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Case study: high-tech content for business-minded audiences

Writer: Megan JanickeMegan Janicke

Updated: Aug 18, 2022

Entrepreneurs who are focused on perfecting and launching their product or service into the world often forget to consider the language that their potential customers use. By this, I don’t mean whether the copywriting should be in English or a local language. I’m talking about how people describe their challenges or business needs. Which words will clearly and accurately convey that your business has the exact solution that the customer is looking for?

This can especially be a problem when the business is selling a highly technical product or complex solution. Company decision-makers or purchasers aren’t always in technical roles. As such, tech companies require content that showcases their technical expertise in a way that is understandable and useful for business-minded people.

What my clients need

I work with many tech start-ups and scale-ups that need to put their business value into words that will engage their customers. We’ve all encountered content marketing that reads as if it was authored by AI. Even worse, without a creative content plan, some businesses wind up copying their competitors (that’s the wrong kind of “copywriting”). This leads to regurgitated topics that don’t bring anything new to the conversation or help the business define who they are in the market. Another content misstep happens when businesses haven’t developed their buyer personas. As a result, the content tends to be more internally focused. They spend a lot of time talking about what the company does but as not much time connecting their business language to what customers want or need.

To get more engagement from their audience, businesses should publish content that is:

  • Understandable - easy and enjoyable to read for everyone

  • Relatable - connects to the challenges or motivations of their ideal customers

  • Value-adding - informs or inspires, brings something new to the collective conversation

  • Catalyzing - readers should feel compelled to take the next step with the business. This could mean purchasing, but also signing up for a newsletter, clicking through to deeper content that will help them make a buying decision, or engaging with the business on social media.

Furthermore, many of the tech companies that I work with tend to have teams of young and dynamic employees. They want to highlight their young talent and unique company personality while also demonstrating maturity and consistency.

What I do

I help my clients define their brand voice, professionalize their messaging, and build a customer-focused content plan. Depending on where my client is in their content marketing journey, this can entail writing brand guidelines, conducting keyword and hashtag research, and creating buyer personas. I then develop a plan for search-optimized content such as case studies, technical blogs, articles, and social media posts.

When writing content, I specialize in interviewing company employees about a project or even themselves to develop a story that is relatable and unique. I help highly-technical people translate their work into everyday language and connect the solutions to the core motivations or challenges of their customers. Here are some examples of how I developed content for an AI consultancy scale-up in Amsterdam.

What my clients say

“Megan is a hardworking, structured, experienced content writer you can rely on. She loves to get the in-depth story out of people. It was nice working with her; we were really building a content strategy together.”

Project: Xomnia AI Consultancy


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